Services For Divorcees
We offer financial analysis services for individuals and couples in various stages of considering divorce, mediation or collaborative divorce.

Common services for each stage include:
- Identify the data needed to make fully informed and intelligent decisions
- Put both parties on a level playing field with financial knowledge
- Interpret financial information in lay terms
- Outline current and possible future financial scenarios
Do-it-yourself divorce
- Identify financial pitfalls & creative solutions
- Untangle complex financial situations
- Project future financial situations
Mediation support
- Trained in Mediation and Collaborative Divorce
- Identify financial pitfalls & creative solutions
- Develop creative financial solutions
- Project future financial situations
Collaborative divorce
Banfield Divorce Financial Advisors work as a team with trained facilitators guiding the collaborative process. The team includes attorneys for each spouse and a financial neutral to help everyone understand the financial aspects of their agreements. The team can also include child advocates, divorce coaches, mortgage and real estate professionals, business valuation specialists and tax professionals as needed. The objective is to negotiate a mutually acceptable resolution without having courts decide issues, maintain open communication and information sharing, and create shared solutions acknowledging the highest priorities of all. Learn more about collaborative divorce.
Forensic accounting
Our auditing background comes in handy in situations where a spouse is trying to hide money, is unnecessarily wasting money or has an addiction/habit that is consuming a great amount of money (i.e., gambling). We have a skill for uncovering and following the money trail, so we can present the entire picture.
Post-divorce financial planning and transition assistance
Once the divorce is over – there are still quite a few things to finalize. We help individuals transition seamlessly to their new life.
- Tie up loose ends
- Consolidate accounts
- Close joint accounts
- Open new accounts
- Ensure Qualified Domestic Relations Orders (QDROs) are completed
- Ensure Wills and Beneficiaries are changed
- Assist with Budgeting and Financial Management
- Settlement follow through
- Retitling of assets
- Change beneficiaries
- Budgeting
- Cash Flow Planning
- Transfer of IRA Assets
- Income Planning
- Social Security Income Planning
Common reports delivered, depending on specific needs:
- Net Worth Statements: data gathering and creation of detailed Net Worth Statements providing a starting point for negotiations of asset and debt division
- Cash Flow Analysis: detailed budget and needs analysis including analysis of marital standard of living and assistance with Sworn Financial Statements
- Income and Tax Projections: income tax planning, dependent exemption and support scenario comparisons, tax return and earning history reporting and analysis of income available for support
- Division of Marital Property report
- Marital Property Division on an After-Tax Basis report
- Projected Net Income after Taxes and Expenses report
- Projected Net Worth report
- Pension Benefit Valuation and Analysis: defined benefit and defined contribution plan valuations, community property valuations of pensions, and analysis of plan division through Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO)
- Protection of Support: Analyze need for life insurance as security for child and spousal support