Category Archives: Divorce Financial Planning

Do You Really Need a QDRO?

A Cautionary Tale

A colleague was working with a client who had quite a unique situation. The settlement agreement had Husband (H) paying an amount to Wife (W) to equalize the asset division. The CDFA® suggested a QDRO to transfer from H’s 401k to W’s 401k and then she would have been able to do a Roth conversion with little or no tax due, since she was already in a negative tax liability situation. (caused … Read More

Do You Really Need a QDRO?

Do You Really Need a QDRO?

You’re in that final stretch of your divorce, you can see the finish line ahead. You’ve reached a settlement agreement with your spouse, just then, your attorney or mediator turns to you and says, “Now you need a QDRO and that’s going to cost more.” “What? Are you kidding? What the heck is a QDRO?”

The QDRO is that last hurdle in your race. Get used to the idea … Read More

How to Keep More of Your Money

How to Keep More of Your Money

As soon as you start thinking about divorce, you have a sickening, panic-inducing thought that you will lose half of your net worth. You wonder if it’s even worth it to consider leaving if you’re just going to end up broke and starving.

There are ways to make sure that your financial future is not doomed. First and foremost, be sure you have a financial advisor who specializes … Read More

Divorce Options II

Divorce Options II

My Collaborative divorce group is presenting Zoom classes about the various “Divorce Options” available in Colorado. Check out the schedule here.

You may not have heard of one or more of these divorce options. I’ll introduce the others. If you are considering divorce, you are probably feeling stressed and overwhelmed. I usually feel more in control in any situation if I understand my options.

The 4 Basic Divorce Options … Read More

Divorce Options I

Divorce Options I

My Collaborative divorce group is presenting Zoom classes about the various “Divorce Options” available in Colorado. Check out the schedule here.

While you may have heard of one or more of these ways to get a divorce, I’ll fill in the blanks below. If you are considering divorce, you are probably feeling stressed and overwhelmed. I usually feel more in control in any situation if I understand my options.… Read More

I want a divorce

How to tell your spouse ‘I want a divorce’

How do you tell your spouse, “I want a divorce”?  Half of the people going through a divorce will be on the receiving end of this message, but the other half are the bearers of this incredibly bad news.  Many people really blow it, so let’s start with what NOT to do!  You’re not sure how your spouse will react, especially if infidelity is involved, and … Read More

How Much Alimony is Enough?

I suppose it depends on if you’re paying or receiving… But seriously, most people going through divorce know that some level of Spousal Support or Alimony is necessary, but have no idea how much or for how long. Attorneys are paid to advocate for their client. So, if you’re the payer, they’ll argue for the lowest number possible and if you’re the recipient, they’ll argue for the highest number possible. … Read More